
DIH-World Funding for Projects

The DIH-World project, a network of 27 DIHs in 26 countries, aims to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors, by building sustainable competitive advantages and reaching global markets. 


As a H2020 funding programme, DIH-World will facilitate 50+ cross-border SME experiments to pilot and develop the services of DIHs. Traditional sectors are lagging behind in terms of digitalisation, therefore, supporting the uptake of digital technologies in these sectors is particularly important.


DIH-World will focus its efforts on traditional sectors including metals, textiles, craft industries, construction and agri-food by launching two open calls for SME-DIH experiments addressing the key challenges these sectors are facing. 


The first Open Call will be announced by the beginning of 2021. More information will be available on the website at www.dihworld.eu