AI REGIO Launches 1st Open Call
VOJEXT is looking for innovators (SMEs and Mid-Caps) in Cognitive autonomous systems for human-robot interaction, especially “cobots” covering traditional and non-traditional areas for AI- robotics and cognitive ICT developments.
Projects must fit within one of the 5 challenges and clearly demonstrate how they advance the 'state of the art,' hence the participation of innovators is essential.
The challenges include:
- Construction Robotic Toolset
- Navigation
- Visualisation of Pointcloud in a VR Headset
- Integrate two leap motion devices to improve user Hand Mapping
- Integrate a new method of Hand Mapping and integrate it with the Teleop Pipeline
AI REGIO 's 1st Open Call objective is to select up to 8 SME-driven experiments to complement AI REGIO in the extension of the current portfolio of “AI for Manufacturing” solutions; and benefiting directly SMEs in underrepresented regions, with the perspective to join VANGUARD Initiative. Selected consortia will benefit from financial support of up to EUR 100.000.
Timeline: 01/06 –30/09/2021
Who can apply? Mini-consortium of:•1 manufacturing SME, as the leader of the consortium;•1 DIH, as reported in the DIH catalogue;•ICT solution provider or technological RTO (optional), which can be either an SME or a large enterprise, or a technological RTO.
For more information & eligibility criteria: